"Helping You Meet Your Academic Goals"
HIGH QUALITY TUTORING: Assisting students who want to be more successful!
EXPERT CONSULTING: Suggesting strategies for learners to use to become efficient and successful!
PROVIDING SCHOOL AND EDUCATOR SUPPORT: Providing professional development and sharing best practices!
PARTNER WITH US: Help USVI Students Catch-Up or Get Ahead
Building Positive Strategies for success!
āConcerned about your child?
Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation on the phone or in person today! You'll be happy you did!
"VI Academic Consulting Services cares about providing accurate and useful health information to the public."

Got a question?
Here's your answer
How does VI Academic Consulting Services work?
VI Academic Consulting Services provides academic/instructional support in the implementation of a learning plan, streamlines and fine-tunes study skills, and improves organization and management as needed by the individual student and family. Tutors provide long-term academic assistance after consultants make professional recommendations and solidify best practices. Students and families may elect to only get tutoring. However, tutors will not know the most effective strategies to meet the particular learning differences and needs of each student.
Which content areas will our tutoring program address?
Social Studies
NOTE: * Priority subjects
Which grade levels will our tutoring program serve?
Grades 1 & Below
Grades 2-5 (Elementary)
Who will decide which students receive tutoring?
Parents and families will sign their children up
All students can benefit from tutoring, whether they are making up for learning loss or accelerating their learning.
Who will our tutors be?
Certified Classroom Teachers
Private Tutors
College Students
Evidence suggests that teachers are consistently the most effective type of tutor, but also the most costly.
Paraprofessionals can be as effective as teachers when they receive adequate training.
More training and support is needed for college students, volunteers, private tutors, and especially families.
How often will tutoring sessions happen?
Three to five times per week
30 minutes, 5 times a week for Elementary School or Below
60 minutes 3-5 times a week for Middle & High School
Research indicates that a dosage of 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week has the most impact.
Younger students may benefit from shorter but more frequent sessions (e.g., 30 minutes, 5 times a week)ā
Will each student normally work with the same tutor?
Yes, each student will normally work with the same tutor.
Does VI Academic Consulting Services (VIACS) offer Consumer Health Information to the general public, including patients and their families?
Yes. With a free individual subscription for patients and their families, you can access quality consumer health information.
Need help signing up? Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation.
Our consumer health information is compiled and created by librarians nationally recognized by the Medical Library Association (MLA) for earning the Level 1 or Level 2 Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) certificate.
Why is tutoring needed?
Specific students are falling behind academically and need individual support, so we will help them.
Specific moments in the curriculum are make-or-break for students’ academic success, so we will help them.
All students can benefit from tutoring, whether they are making up for learning loss or accelerating their learning.
What can I get help with?
Subject tutoring
Academic intervention
Consultation (Identify a learning problem, Analyze the problem, Develop a plan with proven strategies, Implement the plan, and Evaluate the plan)
Workshops, Trainings, or Seminars
Where and when will tutoring sessions happen?
Outside of school, after school or on weekends
Outside of school, during summer break
What's the minimum time to work with a tutor?
The minimum time to work with a tutor is 30 minutes for at least three days per week.
How will students and tutors work together?
In person
How many students will each tutor work with at a time?
One student per tutor
Two students per tutor (small groups)
Can I review my previous sessions?
Yes! You can review your previous sessions during any scheduled session.
What is Consumer health information (CHI)?
Consumer health information (CHI) is information on health and medical topics provided in response to requests from the general public, including patients and their families.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) defines health literacy as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information needed to make appropriate health decisions.”
Why might I need health information?
To find more information about your child's diagnosis.
To help your child with a homework assignment
To ask about what you see as an embarrassing health issue
NOTE: Consumer Health Questions
“I want to know more about that diet that Dr. Oz talked about yesterday on his show.”
“Do I really need to get a vaccination for COVID?”
“I just found out that my son may have Marfan’s Syndrome. Do you have a book about it?”
"I'm doing a report on gene editing, specifically CRISPR. Got anything here I can use?"
“My mom is starting to forget things. How do I know if it is Alzheimer’s?”
“Do I have lice?”
“Why did my doctor put me on Prozac?”ā
Why Tutoring is Needed