"Helping You Meet Your Academic Goals"
HIGH QUALITY TUTORING: Assisting students who want to be more successful!
EXPERT CONSULTING: Suggesting strategies for learners to use to become efficient and successful!
PROVIDING SCHOOL AND EDUCATOR SUPPORT: Providing professional development and sharing best practices!
PARTNER WITH US: Help USVI Students Catch-Up or Get Ahead
Building Positive Strategies for success!
āConcerned about your child?
Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation on the phone or in person today! You'll be happy you did!
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Consulting and Tutoring Sessions

Pricing and Payments
We provide academic support to students in grades K-5.
Tutoring is effective for all students, but research shows that younger students (K-5) benefit the most. K-1 students benefit more in literacy and 2-5 students benefit more in mathematics.
Application Fee (for Individual Consulting and Tutoring):
$31 per child and $15.50 for each additional child.
Tutoring sessions: 1-2 Students to 1 Tutor
Tutoring by a certified teacher: $30 to $90 per hour
Tutoring by a paraprofessional: $14 to $42 per hour
- Tutoring by a private tutor: $18 to $54 per hourāā
āAn individual tutor works with one or two students at a time.
Research shows that two students per tutor is the most efficient and effective way to accelerate learning.
NOTE: Price varies based on the particular learning difference and needs of each child. As well, tutors are paid based on their education and experience. See below for more information.
Educational Consulting session (for Individuals):
Free 15 minute consultation
Initial and follow-up consultations are $31 to $93 per hour
Initial and Follow-up Consultations - 1 hour per consultation
Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation.
Tutoring Sessions - 30 to 60 minutes for 3 -5 days per week
3:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. Monday through Thursday
Payment Options
Payments shall be made monthly in advance. Payments are due by the 1st of every month. Other arrangements can be considered on an individual basis.
Payments can be made online or in person. We do accept cash. We do not accept personal checks. Payment can be made using a credit card, debit card (with a VISA or Mastercard logo) or USPS money order.
Tutor Type
Which type of tutor will you be working with?
Teachers: Certified classroom teachers provide tutoring. Research provides evidence that teachers are the most effective type of tutor, but also the most costly.
Paraprofessionals: School staff members, master’s or doctoral students, service program fellows (e.g., AmeriCorps fellows), or community organization staff provide tutoring. This group of tutors can be as effective as teachers when the tutors receive adequate training.
Private Tutors: Individuals who operate (or are employed by) for-profit or non-profit tutoring organizations provide tutoring. This group of tutors possess a bachelor's degree or some college.
How much education and experience will your tutors have?
Tutors will be paid based on their level of education and experience, with higher pay for tutors with high-need skills (e.g., bilingualism, special education) or a closer connection to our community. For instance:
Novice tutors (college students/recent high school grads): $15-$20/hour ($15-$20 per pupil per hour at a 1:1 ratio)
Experienced tutors (recent college grads/TAs): $20-$30/hour ($10-$15 per pupil per hour at a 2:1 ratio)
Master tutors (veteran teachers/veteran tutors): $40-$60/hour ($20-$30 per pupil per hour at a 2:1 ratio)
Virtual tutoring programs can cost less than in-person tutoring. Before simply choosing the least expensive option, consider the return on your investment. High-dosage in-person tutoring with low student-tutor ratios and well-trained and coached tutors will likely have the greatest impact.
For instance:
In-person tutoring includes costs to cover their travel time, fuel costs, and other time or financial issues associated with meeting in person.
Virtual tutoring includes no overhead costs so these savings are passed on to you.